Valpolicella Ca’ Fiui 2019 – Corte Sant’Alda
Ancora in Valpolicella, ancora con un semplice Valpolicella Doc dopo quello di Valentina Cubi, altri meno rimarchevoli, e altri che verranno per una piccola ricognizione dei vini del suddetto territorio.
Corvina 40%, Corvinone 40%, Rondinella 15%, Molinara 5%
Fermentazione in tini da 40 hl, 15/20 giorni sulle bucce, 6/10 mesi in tini troncoconici di rovere.
Valpolicella Ca’ Fiui 2019 – Corte Sant’Alda
Still in Valpolicella, still with a simple Valpolicella Doc after that of Valentina Cubi, others less remarkable, and others who will come for a small reconnaissance of the wines of the aforementioned territory.
Corvina 40%, Corvinone 40%, Rondinella 15%, Molinara 5%
Fermentation in 40 hl vats, 15/20 days on the skins, 6/10 months in conical oak vats.
What are the merits of this wine?
The beautiful bright, young, ruby color with violet reflections.
The lively bouquet has strong floral references, pomegranate and currants and pleasant spicy notes. A virtuous example of what is identified as a wise and measured use of it in the discussions between enthusiasts on the legality or otherwise of the presence of the volatile.
The rich sip in which dazzling freshness is combined with elements of structure and complexity. Slightly plush (so said a tasting companion), rightly tannic, good persistence.
Also in this case excellent stimuli for further study.
Scrittore/poeta disorganico, coltivatore principiante, cuoco discontinuo, sommelier agli inizi, movimentatore di poponi, giovane padre.